I am 34 years old today...woot woot!!!!! I was born August 3, 1974 at 7:23 pm in Cooper Hospital, Camden NJ. (notice the time this post was created...it's officially official! LOL)
Today, my guys took me to lunch and then sang happy birthday to me over this super yummy chocolate cake, complete with the lights out, a candle and a wish- all directed by Sir Donovan!

It's my birthday and I am in a generous mood...that's right, instead of receiving, I am giving...scrap goodies that is! It's my little way of saying thank you for all of the great comments, the support and well wishes. I feel pretty blessed as far as scrapping goes. This is a hobby that allows me to express myself, record my family history in my own way, make great buddies, and receive lots of fun stuff to work with either via other RAKs, scrap purchases or design team products. I went through my stash and picked out some things from various companies that I design for (acrylic buttons from myacrylicalbum.com; paper, die cuts, chipboard alpha, and an overlay from My Little Shoebox; 6 feet of ribbon/trim from savvynsassy.com; and some scrapbook film chippies from Zsiage) coupled with a ton of Primas, old and new, buttons and some other fun stuff. Just check it out! The best part is I haven't decided how I want to split the RAK...do I want to give it all to one lucky blog poster or split it up between a couple? There's only one way to find out- post a comment here and check back next Sunday, August 10th and see if you're a winner. Everyone who posts here by the August 10th 8pm EDT will be put in a random drawing! So it's kind of like your birthday, too! I can't wait to see who wins- I just love giving happy stuff away!!!!
Look at my latest LO! I love the colors, they just scream summer! Those beautiful lace trims were part of savvynsassy's August kit- they are just so yummy IRL! The chipboard hibiscus flowers and seahorse are from magistical memories.
here's a close-up of the seahorse- I covered it with doodlebug's sugar coated cardstock and used a flower brad, coated with stickles for the eye.
I covered the hibiscuses with MM noteworthy and added freehand details with stickles. The stamen was created with hand stitching and brads. I didn't have anymore round orange brads, so I used white ones- I just covered them with butterscotch alcohol ink and orange stickles.
First, Hope you had a wonderful Birthday! Happy Birthday Tanisha. Love the layout and all the great details. Stickles are so much fun.
Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope it was a great one and that you really enjoyed all that chocolate! :)
Happy Bday! Sounded like it was a great day!
Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a special day! Your chocolate cake looks yummy! Your blog is great also thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday!!!! This layout ROCKS girl!
happy, happy birthday Tanisha!!! i know you had a great one.
I really loved that lay-out and that is onw awesome rak!!!
Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Glad you had a nice day!
Sounds like it was a wonderful way to spend your special day! Happy Birthday!
First let me wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope your day was fun and full of surprises.
I really love your lo and the sea horse is cool.
Happy Birthday Tanisha! You don't look a day over 33 - LOL. Enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a great day!!!
Oh my goodness! Your B-day is today? Mine is tomorrow (August 4th)! You ONLY have 10 years on me. lol. Happy Happy Bornday missy! Hope you had a fabulous b-day!
congrats girl!!!! I was also born on 1974, that was one awesome year!!!!
btw. love what you did w/ the Magistical Memories stuff.
Happy Birthday!!!!!! Birthdays Rock! Love the new LOs!!
Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you had a perfect day with your boys.
Love that layout! I so need to find that seahorse!.
First off I would like to say Happy Birthday Tanisha!! I hope you had a great day.
Secondly, I love your Hibiscus and Seahorse!!! They are awesome on that LO!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday. Great scrap page...and that cake looks divine!
Happy Birthday to you! Wishing you a year full of slimes!
The lo is awesome! Love the seahorse!
Hope your birthday was relaxing and fun!! That cake looks yummy!!
well happy birthday too you!!!!! I'm going to be 34 in about 14 days too!!!! what a cool rak.. and I LOVE your Seaside lo, just gorgeous and all the amazing details!!sooo cool. Glad you had a wonderful day.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Tanisha, happy birthday to you! :) Sounds like you had a great one! Thanks for always being a fantastic source of inspiration. I loooooove your layouts! :)
Tanisha...hope your birthday was such a great day for you. The cake looks yummy!! I ADORE your MM layout. Thanks for sharing your talent...love the stickle color. I need to use them more!! Love your blog!
Happy Birthday, Tanisha!!! :)
Love all the details on this LO, esp. all the lace pp and trims.
happy birthday!! sounds like you had an awesome day!! thanks for the details about the flowers...I *heart* them mucho!!
You are so generous Tanisha! I have to tell you, I love your work - the detail is amazing!
Happy birthday!!! Hope you had a good one! Love the colors in your seaside layout. Very cool!!!
to the lyrics of Stevie Wonder: Happy Birthday to you - Haaaappy Birthdayyyyy! Glad you were surrounded by your favorites: family, chocolate cake and scrapgoodies! Really nice stuff your RAK'n (gonna clip that idea from you) someone will be lucky to have either it all or some of it!
Happy Birthday to you!! May you be blessed from head to toe!!
Haapy Biiirrrrrthdaaaaaay tooooo Yooooouuuu!
Haaaappppppyyy Birrrrrtttttthhhhhdaaaaaaaaayyyy toooooooooo Yoooooooooouuuuuu
Haaaaaaaaapppppppppyyyy Biiiiirrrrrrrrtttttthhhhhhhdaaaaaayyyy Deeeeeeeeeaaaarrrrrrrrr Taaaaaaannnnnnishaaaaaaaaaa
Haaaaaapppppyyyyyy Biiiiirrrrrrtttttthhhhhhdaaaaaaayyyyyyyy toooooooooooooooooooooooooo you!
And Scoooby doo on channel 2.....(for my son who had a birthday a few days ago!)
SOunds like you had a great day!!!! You are a wonderfully talented artist and a generous friend....
What a awesome thing to do!!
Sounds like you had a perfect birthday
Happy Birthday from Kathy (aka crazy_lady at scrapfreak)
Happy Birthday Girly! I hope your day was wonderful! Hugs!
HAPPY,Happy Birthday To YOU!!!!!!!!!!!Hope you had a wonderful birthday.It is so cute to have a little director when my daughter was little she used to do the same thing it was cute.Some thing to always remember...
And I love the new layout.so cute....
Thanks for sharing on your birthday..Good luck to everyone..
happy birthday girl!! i am glad you had a fabulous day!!!
Happy birthday!!! That layout ROCKS!!!
glad you had a great birthday! Love that LO, amazing!
happy birthday tanisha!! what a great way to celebrate. your boys know how to do it up right. can you rak me a piece of that chocolate cake? :)
happy birthday tanisha!!! SO hope i win the rak everything looks good to me. oh yeah uh. pick me!!! LOL
Happy Birthday my friend!!!!
God Bless YOU for being generous!!!
Enter me!
Happy Belated Birthday Tanisha!!!!
Hope you had a great day!
Hope you had a very happy day!! Love your work and very kind of you to share your gooides! Very yummy!!BTW who made the extra cute stamps?? LOVE those!
i hope you had a great day! life is good, right!?!?!? i love that hibiscus! i have to check out MM, does savvynsassy carry that?
great stuff and nice RAK, too! ;)
ooohhh happy bday Tanisha!!!
Look at those scrumptious goodies!!! Thank you for the chance!!! buttons! buttons!!! lol
Girl it's your birthday!!!! I hope it was happy, fun, and filled with tons of memories too!!!!
34 hey!!!! :) :)
I love that video by the way!
Happy Birthday Tanisha -- we're the same age now!!! It sounds like you had a fabulous day and how sweet of you to give away something in honor of your birthday. Oh Pick Me, Pick Me!! \o/ <--- That's me with my hands up!! LOL!!
If you pick me -- drop me an e-mail since I will be on my way to Kentucky and offline a few days.
AquaRubyMom [at] gmail [dot] com. :)
Tanisha it sounds like you had a great birthday! Thank-you for a chance at winning some excellent goodies too! I was looking at the close up pictures of your layout, and I really love how you used Magesticals stuff.. looks great :)
Hope you had a good one girl ;)
happy happy belated birthday to you!
Happy belated bday Tanisha! You're only 2 days older than me!!
Hope you had a wonderful Birthday....i've got a "few" years on ya!! wonderful seaside layout btw.....and fun looking rak....thanks for sharing!!
Happy birthday Tanisha!
What a cool Rak! Thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday Tanisha!! Now I have that song in my head LOL!..I hope you partied like it's your birthday!
Happy birthday! Beautiful page, too.
Add my name to the drawing Tanisha!! Hope your birthday was a good one!!
Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!!!!
My Aunts bday was sunday and we had a girls luncheon.
I used that same Making Memories paper for a LO of my son too!
57 comments!! My gracious women... just wanted to say this layout rocks AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
You rock!!
Hey girl, happy belated!! looks like you had a wonderful day and girl that cake looked like it was delish. Okay so from one leo sister to another I hope your generous rak goes to me since you are ending it on my birthday!!!
Thanks for the chance and have a wonderful week.
Happy Birthday! I hope I look as good as you when I get to be 34! Hell, I wish I looked as good as you now! LOL!
Happy belated birthday wishes to you, my stupid internet was down for days, I only got back on yesterday!!!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday!! I hope it was a great one! :)
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