This is the very first time I've ever lost a job and not having the stability of employment does sort of kind of suck (don't get me wrong) especially since I used my savings to keep afloat when I was on maternity leave last summer and I've been playing catch up ever since. But like I said, it's all I really need to get on the ball with trying to do my own thing.
I feel bad because two of my co-workers were in tears and I was actually smiling! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. This morning before our meeting, I said a quick prayer to God that I find a way to do what I'm supposed to be doing because I know there are better things out there for me! I really want to do more with scrapbooking and I really want to hone my photography skills and start my own photography company...I just don't know where to start. So if you're reading this and have any advice, just drop me a line in the comments section!
August 8th is my last day after 10 years on the job. I literally started when this lab opened. My birthday is August 3rd...what a bitter sweet way to turn 35!
I a going to miss the people that I work with, though. We're all like family...a big melting pot of different ethnicities! They made made every day so much easier to get through, I'll be sure to keep in touch with them!

God will help you to the path you need! Keep up that smile and light heart!
I'm sorry to hear about your job, Tanisha. But I know it will all work out for you!
I used to work in a blood lab, only for about a year, but I absolutely hated it!!! I'd get knots in my stomach each morning when I had to go to work. So I can definitely relate with you.
Good luck with your new creative endeavors!!! :)
sorry to hear of your job loss, but I am praying that opens the doors that you need to do what you have been called to do ....all things work together..
You have a great attitude about this unexpected turn of events. I'm glad to hear that you find it to be an opportunity knocking on your door. I can see you taking off in the scrapping world given how amazingly accomplished you already are! Best wishes to you!
Sorry to hear about your job loss. I lost mine in January and I'm still unemployed!!! I also worked in a lab, but I loved it because the people were so great. The job market right now is really bad, at least where I am (Los Angeles). Good luck with finding a better one :)
Well, I am sorry to hear about your job. Your scrapbook pages and your photos are fantastic so I am sure you will go far with it. Good luck!!!
Sometimes we don't know why the Lord allow things happen the way they do. But know this he will give you the desires of your heart. Many times God could be telling you to go ahead to do the thing you desire and yet we still are standing still trying to figure out what to do. You have children right... sometimes you have to push them to do the thing you know they are capable of doing. Like learning how to walk or ever ride a bike for the first time. Well...God has just given you that push to do what he know you are capable of doing. This is only the beginning for you. Know that you are blessed!!!! God will not do anything he hasn't prepared you for. The father makes no mistakes. Continue to rejoice and be of good cheer and you will see your blessing unfold right before your eyes. I do have a blog but didn't know how to post it with this comment. Check it out sometimes. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.
Girl, I want to say "Sorry to hear about that," but I can't bring myself to make that the tone of my commentary. Before I finished reading your post, all I could think was, "PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!" and "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!"
After reading through the entire thing, now I understand that sentiment. :o) I don't know you, but I know you're GREAT just by the tenor of this blog. Your personality is splashed all over it just like the baby's breath shimmerz you talked about.
This is long enough. I could go on, but I won't. Be blessed and go out and conquer, for you shall SURELY recover all and be re-introduced to...YOURSELF!
Thinking of you and praying that new and wonderful doors open for you.
Enjoy discovering the new leg of your journey. God has a plan for you.
I'm with Harriet, CONGRATS on getting that shove on starting your own thing. You'll be successful with what ever path you'll take. There are so many programs out there via unemployment to keep you going. Girl, apply for E.V.E.R.Y single thing NJ offers to the recently unemployed. When I was laid off at Prudential, I thought my world would end, as it turned out, it had just begun. I look forward to hiring you to shoot Mikey's 5th birthday party in 3 short years!
Hey Tanisha you know that God allows everything to happen for a reason. So here's to your reason. The blog is looking amazing. You gotta tell me what you did to change it up so nicely.
omgosh! that stinks but sounds like you are okay with it. i agree things happen for a reason..and it's summer so maybe you can have some fun for a few months ;)
hope it works out for you
I'm sorry but I can't help laughing with the title! I can't believe you didn't have a clue. I am very excited to see where God leads you. What a blessing in disguise :D
Sorry to hear about your job but this may be the perfect escape! I hope everything falls into place for you!
((((hugs)))) I know something great will work out for you. You are so talented :)
You seem really talented and you might be able to jumpstart your own company by going in the wedding direction. Everyone needs a good photographer and you seem creative so perhaps using your scrapbooking skills to also provide things like invitations and unique wedding journals and photo albums.
So sorry to here Tanisha and yes that is usually his way take if from me who has been OUTsourced 2x since 2006! So keep your head up and HE will lead the way!
When one door closes, another one opens. You apparently are on your way out the door! Good for you. The only suggestion I can give is to find an organization in your area that supports Women in Business. They will more than likely have a "to do" or "things to think about" list for you.
Hi Tanisha, a very happy birthday to you! Only another week of work! are you excited? Another chapter in your life is starting...good luck! xo-Samantha
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