Week 35/52 - taken 9.5.11 Happy Labor Day!! I am in no way a grill queen, but I know enough to make it happen. I *heart* grilled food! (took this week's photo a little late)
Week 36/52 - taken 9.9.11 Of the 43 pictures that I snapped for week 36, I liked this one best because of my smile. Played around with some lighting.
Week 37/52 - taken 9.11.11 It has been 10 years later, since the attack on the towers, but the memory of that day will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Original photo of the NY skyline was taken July 1999.
Look in the upper right hand corner...see the cross? That's not on the actual picture. Apparently the flash caught on the photo and formed a cross in the sky...eerie right?
Week 38/52 - taken 9.24.11 A jeans and sneakers type of day... heading out to visit my mother-in-law 2 days after her mother passed away.
Week 39/52 taken 9.25.11 I caught a reflection of myself in my front storm door, making one of those faces that I wish I didn't make, but I can't help it! LOL!! Not the best photo, but the face is priceless!

Looking at that grill is making me hungry!!!
Hey girl! Just tryna catch up on some blogs, love lookin at your pics...so talented with your photography. Hope all is well with ya!
These are FANTASTIC photos!!! :)
You take your own photos? Pics of myself never turn out. I tried this and give up! Great pictures!
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